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Frequently Asked Questions

What should my athlete wear to class?

What you wear is just as important as what you learn. Why? Safety is the biggest factor, and we want all of our athletes safe while using equipment.  Hair must be securely tied back. You should have proper gymnastics attire-- a bodysuit, or shorts and a form fitting top.   Remember--Overly loose clothing can get caught on the equipment and hinder movement.  
While at the gym, it is best to be in bare feet to provide a safe grip on equipment. NO jewelry should be worn during class, this includes anything on your wrist that may get caught in equipment.


What methods of payment do you take?

We accept credit card payments, e-transfers and cash.  All payments are + HST.

Payment is done MONTHLY and there is a non-refundable annual fee for all participating athletes.  A $40.00 plus tax Gymnastics Ontario fee is to be paid by recreational athletes once every year upon registration (July 1st through June 30th). 


Can parents watch their child during class?

There is a parent viewing area upstairs that you can watch classes from. Please refrain from taking pictures of children that are not yours. Parents are not allowed to view from the floor. 


What is a Parented Class? What do I need to do? 

At Kemptville Infinity we aim to make gymnastics fun and inviting for all athletes! And we need your help! Parents with young kids in any of our Parent and Tot, Seahorse level, or Drop- in classes are encouraged to participate in classes. Help your athlete during warm up, join in with the exercises, hold them steady on the beams, make sure they feel confident on the bars, give encouragement and praise when they nail a move and help them become the best gymnast they possibly can be.


Phones should remain in your pockets for the duration of class. This is due to security concerns and confidentiality reasons. Please refrain from taking photos of a child that is not yours and instead focus on making sure you and your little ones are learning.Your athlete needs your help to master the motions and our coaches are there to teach both you and your child. Let’s keep gymnastics fun for all ages!



What about Class/Level Adjustment?

During our first month back to classes, we may make some adjustments to make sure athletes are in the correct level. This is done to ensure that your athlete will be getting the most out of their training while they are here and help set them up for personal success. When your athlete’s coach feels they are ready to move up a level, that can be done at any time (subject to availability) because of monthly rolling enrollment.


What is the Payment Policy?


Just a reminder that you should review the payment policy that you acknowledged when you registered which includes letting us know by no later than the 20th of the month if you WILL NOT be continuing the next month or your spot is automatically renewed and billed. This advance notice allows us to fill the spot with an other athlete from the waiting list. A copy of the payment policy is on our homepage.


If delinquent tuition is not paid before the first of the month, your child(ren) will be marked inactive by the computer and will be unenrolled. Children on the waiting list will then be contacted to take their place.

 If you need to become inactive in the program, you must notify Infinity by email no later than the 20th of the month prior to withdrawal. We do not accept withdrawals over the phone. Please note: unless we receive proper notice by email prior to the 20th of the month, There will be a $10 plus tax admin fee deducted from the refund.


Are there any Financial Assistance Programs in place? 

Kemptville Infinity aims to make classes and programing affordable and accessible for all families in the community. We offer payment plans, discounts for siblings and family rates, group rates on many of our special events, and partnerships with Making Play Happen, Jumpstart and other recreational assistance programs. Please email for more details or to make arrangements. All assistance is subject to approval. 


What is Monthly Continuous Enrollment?

Payments are made monthly and you don't have to worry about your spot being taken! You are guaranteed your spot for the entire season (September - December, January -March, and April-June), Our monthly tuition payments are based on an average of four classes per month. No additional charge is assessed for for months that offer five classes. In months where holidays, gym closings, snow days, etc. affect the schedule, tuition is not reduced, presumably accounted for by months week 5 weeks. December fees will be prorated to reflect our two-week Christmas closure. We offer continuous enrollment so you can join the class at anytime as long as there are spots available in the class.


Do we pro-rate tuition for absences or missed events? 

Tuition is not prorated for absences. Because of our strict student to coach ratio, missed classes will not result in makeup classes, prorated tuition, or refunds. We will always do our very best not to cancel classes unless absolutely necessary due to weather or safety issues.


Camp and special events are charged at the time of registration. Summer camp refunds will only be processed if done prior to June 1st of the calendar year. A credit to your account will be added for the refund amount, or in necessary cases a refund  plus 10$ admin fee will be charged. We will not refund any fees due to absence or missed events after June 1st of the calendar year for summer camps, or on the week of special events (ex. Birthdays, KNO, Laser Tag etc). It is the parents responsibility to find a substitute athlete to take their space in the event or they will be charged the full amount as per this payment policy. Kemptville Infinity reserves the right to change this policy at any time with notice to its customers. 


What does it mean to be a GO Gym? 

As a Gymnastics Ontario (GO) Facility we have a strict set of guidelines and rules that must be followed. Our coaches are NCCP trained which means  NCCP - The National Coaching Certification Program trains coaches to specific standards, so that they can guide athletes through the many challenges and opportunities of the sport experience. Coaches are evaluated by NCCP evaluators at different points in their coaching career.  NCCP Coaches get specific training in the following areas:


  • Make Ethical Decisions

  • Analyzing Performance

  • Provide Support to Athletes in Training

  • Designing a Sport Program

  • Planning a Practice

  • Managing a Sport Program

  • Supporting the Competitive Experience


What are the Benefits of being a GO gym? 

  • insurance coverage for athletes, including physiotherapy and other medical support coverage from gym injury beyond what your insurance will pay

  • strict NCCP standards for coaches and the facility ensuring development of good programming

  • specialized training for coaches and staff which will lead to more variety of ideas in the running of your child’s class and help further their growth and development as an athlete

  • opportunity to develop special needs classes, additional events and birthday parties in the new facility 

  • more access to training for spotting, safety standards managed by GO, basic and specialized training for all staff (basic training, training for trampolines which we will have in the new facility, training for competitive, training for kinder classes and more)

  • Gymnastics For All - diversification of programs for range of participants in our community and is a club’s commitment to access, equity, and inclusivity within the community

  • access to the Gymnaestrada showcase event for gymnastics participants at all levels


What are the GO Fees? Are they mandatory? 

To become a GO member, there is a non-refundable annual fee for all participating athletes.  A $40.00 plus tax Gymnastics Ontario fee is to be paid by recreational athletes once every year upon registration (July 1st through June 30th). They cannot pro-rate the fee based on when you purchase it.  This fee is a per-participant rate, not a per-family rate.  The fee is required for participants enrolled in all gymnastics classes (parent & tot, kinder, beginner, junior, intermediate, senior gymnastics, and tumbling) as well as ninja training (formally called parkour).  


Our competitive families pay a $100 annual fee that permits them to attend competitions.  


In addition to the fees paid by families for athletes, Infinity will contribute a large financial investment every year to maintain its GO status. This ensures that families and our facility will get all GO member services and a continued growth in our programming.  


Annual Payment: This fee is not automatically included in the class fee as it is only due annually. Going forward this will be added as a one time registration fee. Non-compliance by Infinity may lead to fines and sanctions against our facility by Gymnastics Ontario.


Why should I Label my stuff? 

Everyone forgets something once in a while! It helps all of us if your belongings are labelled with your name. This not only helps get items back to the correct person, but also helps mix-ups in the lobby with similar boots and shoes. We do have a lost and found on the shelf near the athlete waiting area, but please understand that we cannot keep items indefinitely. We will be donating any unclaimed items every month to charity.


What happens in Inclement Weather? 

From Heat Waves to Blizzards....When it is deemed too hot (who ever thought that would be an issue in Canada?!)  or the weather is dangerous to drive in, please be sure to check our Facebook page to ensure classes are running.  We will also send out an email to notify you of any cancellations. Kemptville Infinity will do it’s best to get the information to you... please do your part and check whenever in doubt! 


What languages are spoken at the gym? 

If you need service in another language or accessible documents, please reach out to We speak English, French, and other languages upon request in the gym. 


Nous parlons Anglais, Francais, et des autre langues dans le salle de gymnastique. Envoyer un courriel a pour plus d'information ou les documents accessible. 




© 2023 by Kemptville Infinity. Proudly created with

274 County Road 44 Units 1&2

Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0


Tel: 613-617-0888

Family Values ~ Developing Skills ~ Building Community

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